Evaluation of Loki, BPwiki & SBVRwiki 2017

Dear friends of Loki!
Thank you for your willingness to evaluate our tools :-)

To make it short and concrete…
There are three tools under consideration:

  1. Loki - plugin for semantic annotations (tags)
  2. BPwiki - plugin for business processes edition and visualisation in BPMN notation,
  3. SBVRwiki - plugin for business rules specification accordingly to the SBVR standard.

Your task is to:

  1. play with the tools (maximum an hour for the tool),
  2. evaluate the usability of each of them.


  1. Start with creating an account in Demo instance. Do all tasks there.
  2. Loki:
    1. Follow the tutorial for Loki (sections 1-5) and prepare one or more wiki pages related to your favourite movie(s) and/or actor(s)
    2. Fill the survey for Loki. Enter if711 as a password.
  3. BPwiki:
    1. Model the process presented on a picture. Use the BPwiki tutorial as a reference (there are useful examples there!).
    2. Fill the survey for BPwiki. Enter hp663 as a password.
  4. SBVRwiki:
    1. Follow the Tutorial for SBVRwiki. Then add more rules about your favourite Sesame Street character.
    2. Fill the survey for SBVRwiki. Enter ir603 as a password

If you have any questions, suggestions, ideas do not hesitate to contact me at kkutt@agh.edu.pl.
Thank you very much for your help!