Table of Contents

SBVRwiki Tutorial

SBVRwiki uses the Dokuwiki back-end for storage, unlimited version control and user authentication. The tool supports identification and creation of vocabularies, terms and rules in a transparent, user friendly fashion. It also provides visualization and evaluation mechanisms for created rules.

The tool provides visualization and evaluation mechanisms for created rules, and besides basic syntax highlighting and checking, it allows for logical analysis. As it is integrated with the Loki knowledge engineering platform, it allows for on-the-fly conversion of the SBVR rule base and vocabularies to Prolog.

SBVRwiki plugin can be downloaded from downloads page.

Creating new SBVRwiki project

SBVRwiki project consists of three business dictrionaries (every in single namespace/URL):

  1. :terms
  2. :facts
  3. :rules

To start defining a model first you need to create new project and project namespaces in wiki.

There two ways of doing it:

1) By entering new name and submmiting in insertbox:

This will create whole project structure.

2) By entering new URL and creating new pages:

Creating dictionaries

To create new dictionary on a specific page you have to enter editing mode and insert SBVR markers,
which plugin will recognise as begining and end of a dictionary:


You can insert template entry by clicking button named Example SBVR terms dictionary entry. The tamplates and examples are shown in subsections :terms, :facts and :rules.

NOTE: every whitespace is interpreted by the SBVRwiki plugin hence specific code structure is necessary

NOTE: to view changes it is necessary to save the page


− [category] Example terms cat egory
− Example term
* Description : Example term’s description
* Other attribue : Example term’s other property


- [category] Monsters
- Cookie monster
  * Description: Blue monster with big eyes 
  * Size: Large
- Big Bird
  * Description: Big Bird is a yellow bird about eight foot, two inches tall who is 6 years old

- [category] Places
- Sesame Street
  * Description: Special inner city street, the inhabitants, both human and puppet, teach preschool subjects with comedy, cartoons, games and songs.



− [category] Example facts category
− Example term is needed


- [category] Monster facts
- Cookie monster lives on Sesame Street 
- Cookie monster likes Big Bird


Facts can be created only based on previously defined terms. To list avaible terms click Terms list button. Select a term and it will insert itself after a cursor.

UML - class diagrams will be automaticaly generated and added to the bottom of a page.


− [category] Example rules category
− It is necessary that at least one example term is needed.


- [category] Monster Rules
- It is obligatory that each Cookie monster likes a Big Bird


You can add terms and facts from lists avaible by clicking buttons in the menu.

NOTE: It is important to select proper terms with the facts which were defined together.

XML & XMI export

On rules page you can find Export to XML and Export to XMI buttons. They both export current model (the whole model, not only rules page) to *.xml file compatible with SBVR specification and SBVR XML Schema.

Additional information

SBVRwiki Syntax Plugin requiers specified project structure divided into terms, facts and rules because this module implements formatting of the syntax which need data from other dictionaries. The module will not be working properly if names of the data pages are other than specified. The order of page creation also is strict.

Concepts defined in dictionaries must be unique.

Special editor's keywords and its meaning:

[category]Beginning of a new concepts category
[comment]Comments visible in endpage, ignored by syntax plugin
[silent_comment]Comments visible during page eddting only

Administrator Guide

Dokuwiki offers several classes of plugins allowing for fine-grained processing of the wiki text. SBVRwiki implements two main plugin components:

All the modules are implemented in PHP.

Project structure

Visualisation part is done using PlantUML tool