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revisionsrater plugin is a part of BiFröST Framework responsible for allowing users a simple way for pages evaluation. It lists all revisions of specific wiki page and gives a possibility to rate each of them on 1-5 stars scale. These evaluations can be then further analysed along with other pieces of information available within the Framework.

How it works?

revisionsrater is based on two other DokuWiki plugins:

It lists all revisions (as in Changes plugin) and then for each of them it gives user a possibility to evaluate the revisions and see the current score (as in Rater plugin). Obsolete code and customization possibilities were removed from both plugins to make it as simple as possible.

To display a list of revisions of specific page simply put the macro {revisionsrater>page} within the text of a wiki page. E.g. to list revisions of a page we are currently on, use the macro {revisionsrater>docs:revisionsrater}

Give it more power!

It is advised to use revisionsrater plugin along with the two other plugins to provide robust environment for opinions and discussion:

The workflow is as follows:

  1. The regular wiki page is created.
  2. The discussion page can be accessed using the Talkpage option in the page's context menu or using the link created manually (using the macro ~~TALKPAGE~~) anywhere on the page.
  3. On the discussion page, the code responsible for generation of voting mechanism and discussion should be specified, e.g. for page docs:revisionsrater, the discussion page talk:docs:revisionsrater is opened.
  4. There the code for ratings {revisionsrater>docs:revisionsrater} and for discussions ~~DISCUSSION~~ is placed.
  5. Finally, the discussion page is rendered as below: