Table of Contents



Loki requirements:

Loki setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install Loki:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the loki directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins
  3. Move loki.php and smw.php to $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/vendor/easybook/geshi/geshi
  4. Move sparql directory to $DOKUWIKI_HOME$
  5. Configure DokuWiki (Administration → Configuration Settings):
    • set the “xhtml renderer” option to “Loki plugin”

Potential issues:


lokiontology requirements:

lokiontology setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install lokiontology:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the lokiontology directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins
  3. We use Browserify along with Babelify transform to manage modularity and guarantee compability with older browsers. Here are the steps you should follow if you want to reproduce our build:
    1. To begin with, you require npm to be installed.
    2. Navigate to lokiontology/autocomplete and execute npm install.
    3. Currently we use modified version of highlight-within-textarea plugin to suit our needs. After pulling dependencies with npm, you should pull our fork into node_modules/higlight-within-textarea.
    4. Execute browserify autocomplete.js class/* -t babelify -o dist/bundle.js to bundle code.


PROV requirements:

PROV setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install PROV:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the prov directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins
  3. Create $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/data/prov directory and give proper rights to allow server creating new files inside


revisionsrater requirements:

revisionsrater setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install revisionsrater:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the revisionsrater directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins


BPwiki requirements:

BPwiki setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install BPwiki:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the simplebpmn directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins


SBVRwiki requirements:

SBVRwiki setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install SBVRwiki:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the sbvr directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins
    • server must have rights to execute files sbvr/python/ and sbvr/python/ to provide XMI export functionality

RDF Editor

RDF Editor setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the Editor from the Downloads page
  2. Simply copy all files to the directory on a server and open it in web browser


XTTviewer requirements:

XTTviewer setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install XTTviewer:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the xttviewer directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins


rdfloki requirements:

rdfloki setup:

  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the Downloads page
  2. Install rdfloki:
    • using the Plugin Manager of your Dokuwiki installation.
    • or manually place the rdfloki directory in $DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins
  3. When some problems appear (e.g. the options bar in editor disappear), uncheck the “Compact CSS and javascript output” option in DokuWiki settings