====== Installation ====== ===== Loki ===== __Loki requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//)\\ If your DokuWiki is pre-2015 release, please update the Dokuwiki * DokuWiki plugins: * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:code|plugin:code]] - loki code formatting * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexmenu|plugin:indexmenu]] - smart lists of pages in namespace * ''/usr/bin/curl'' * SWI Prolog __Loki setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install Loki: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''loki'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' - Move ''loki.php'' and ''smw.php'' to ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/vendor/easybook/geshi/geshi'' - Move ''sparql'' directory to ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$'' - Configure DokuWiki (Administration -> Configuration Settings): * set the "xhtml renderer" option to "Loki plugin" __Potential issues:__ * When you encounter permissions problems, set ''chmod 770'' to all folders, ''chmod 660'' to all files and ''owner www_data'' (if you run Apache server locally) to all of them in your DokuWiki installation. * You will probably also want to protect the wiki against unauthorized use by uncommenting ''Options -Indexes -MultiViews +FollowSymLinks'' line in ''.htaccess'' (DokuWiki) file. ===== lokiontology ===== __lokiontology requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//) * Requires Loki plugin (described above) * Requires [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:xslt|xslt]] plugin for XSLT stylesheets display (for edition and visualisation of ontology) __lokiontology setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install lokiontology: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''lokiontology'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' - We use [[http://browserify.org/|Browserify]] along with [[https://github.com/babel/babelify|Babelify]] transform to manage modularity and guarantee compability with older browsers. Here are the steps you should follow if you want to reproduce our build: - To begin with, you require [[https://www.npmjs.com/|npm]] to be installed. - Navigate to ''lokiontology/autocomplete'' and execute ''npm install''. - Currently we use modified version of [[https://github.com/lonekorean/highlight-within-textarea|highlight-within-textarea]] plugin to suit our needs. After pulling dependencies with ''npm'', you should pull [[https://github.com/kkutt/highlight-within-textarea|our fork]] into ''node_modules/higlight-within-textarea''. - Execute ''browserify autocomplete.js class/* -t babelify -o dist/bundle.js'' to bundle code. ===== PROV ===== __PROV requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//) * PROV plugin **does not** need any other our plugins, but it becomes more powerful when is installed along with loki and revisionsrater. __PROV setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install PROV: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''prov'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' - Create ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/data/prov'' directory and give proper rights to allow server creating new files inside ===== revisionsrater ===== __revisionsrater requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//) __revisionsrater setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install revisionsrater: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''revisionsrater'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' ===== BPwiki ===== __BPwiki requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//) * DokuWiki plugins for better performance: * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:folded|plugin:folded]] * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexmenu|plugin:indexmenu]] * ''/usr/bin/curl'' * PHP should be installed with [[http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.dom.php|Document Object Model library]] - otherwise it will fallback to using AJAX to fetch page fragments it needs to construct the diagrams __BPwiki setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install BPwiki: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''simplebpmn'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' ===== SBVRwiki ===== __SBVRwiki requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//) * ''/usr/bin/dot'' * python interpreter for XMI export functionality * java (''java -jar'') and graphvz (''/usr/bin/dot'') for graphs in facts and rules (by plantuml.jar) __SBVRwiki setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install SBVRwiki: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''sbvr'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' * server must have rights to execute files ''sbvr/python/sbvr2xmi.py'' and ''sbvr/python/translator.py'' to provide XMI export functionality ===== RDF Editor ===== __RDF Editor setup:__ - Download the latest version of the Editor from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Simply copy all files to the directory on a server and open it in web browser ===== XTTviewer ===== __XTTviewer requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//) __XTTviewer setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install XTTviewer: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''xttviewer'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' ===== rdfloki ===== __rdfloki requirements:__ * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]] in Unix environment\\ (//tested on 2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners", but should also work on the latest releases//) * Loki plugin for DokuWiki __rdfloki setup:__ - Download the latest version of the plugin from the [[downloads:|Downloads page]] - Install rdfloki: * using the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] of your Dokuwiki installation. * or manually place the ''rdfloki'' directory in ''$DOKUWIKI_HOME$/lib/plugins'' - When some problems appear (e.g. the options bar in editor disappear), uncheck the "Compact CSS and javascript output" option in DokuWiki settings