{ events:{ start:{ se:{ name:"Supervisor giving topic" } }, end:{ ee1:{ name:"Project Passed" }, ee2:{ name:"Project Failed", type: terminate } } }, activities:{ a1:{ name:"Functionality analyzing", type:manual }, a2:{ name:"Implementing", type:user }, a3:{ name:"Writing documentation", type:user }, a4:{ name:"Meeting with supervisor", type:manual }, a5:{ name:"Generating the report", type:service } }, gateways:{ g1: { name:"Is project ok?" } }, flow:{ f1:[se,a1], f2:[a1,a2], f3:[a2,a3], f35:[a3,a4], f4:[a4,g1], f5:[g1,a5,"Yes"], f6:[g1,ee2,"No"], f7:[a5,ee1] } }