==== List of Files in SimpleBPMN plugin ==== * ''stype.css'' - defines visual style for the converter and diagram * ''converter.php'' - script responsible for SimpleBPMN plugin that converts BPMN XML to SimpleBPMN * ''script.js'' - script that includes directives for JavaScript and initializes the plugin * /action * ''findtemplate.php'' - finds and loads the right template * ''wysiwyg.php'' - responsible for registering eventhandlers as well as inserting toolbars button into wiki (converter button and SimpleBPMN Notation) * /img - images for all buttons and others * ''bpmn_button.png'' * ''close-fullscreen.png'' * ''converter_button.png'' * ''document-save.png '' * ''edit-select-all.png'' * ''import.png'' * ''loader.gif'' * ''transfer-left_right.png'' * ''view-fullscreen.png'' * ''workflow.png'' * ''zoom-in.png'' * ''zoom-normal.png'' * ''zoom-out.png'' * /js - cantains plugin-specific JavaScript * ''Base.js'' - responsible for building the prototype, simplifies objects inheritance * ''bpmn.js'' - parsing and drawing diagram, creating menu for diagram * ''CanvasPlus.js'' - additional functions for canvas (text wrapping, text height, etc.) enhancing HTML5 Canvas element API * ''converter.js'' - has all functions of converter - initiation of converter, conversion function, building and formating the result * ''Geometry.js'' - additional functions needed for drawing (distance between points, checking if point is inside figure, checking the sign of variable, etc.) * ''jquery.caret.1.02.min.js'' - adds support for easy text fragments section in form fields * ''jquery.mousewheel.js'' - handling mouse wheel-generated events * ''minify.json.js'' - minifies blocks of JSON * /syntax * ''bpmn.php'' - handling '' ... '' tags * ''bpmninc.php'' - responsible for handling '' [ [bpmn>...] ] '' links that combine current page with other pages * /templates - SimpleBPMN has two predefined templates of process (or subprocess) and task; they are activated when creating page with ''task_'' (for tasks) or ''process_'' (for process) prefixes. * ''process.txt'' - template definition for process * ''task.txt'' - template definition for task